Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Soldiering On

Anyone familiar with the Schrodinger's cat thought experiment will understand why I didn't want to sneak any looks at the election results when I woke up at 3:30 this morning. No matter how dire it looked at 10:30 p.m. when I unplugged from all electronics, as long as I kept not checking, the state of the union was either a Trump presidency or a Clinton presidency. Either/or was better than finding out it was Trump.

But sooner or later, you have to look in the box, and...yep, seriously dead cat. 

I haven't had a gut-wringing, soul-drenching cry in a while, so that was overdue. I needed to get it out of my system before the kids could wake up and see me. It's only 5:00 a.m. now, and I'm cool, so that's done.

So now what?

I'll tell you now what.

What I'm going to do...what all of us who wish things had gone differently are going to this: 

We're going to do that thing that Michelle Obama told us to do. Her words weren't for nothing.

Go high.

Do I want to spend the next several months wearing a T-shirt that says "I didn't vote for him" so I can look Muslims and people of color and women and Hispanics and the LGBT community and disabled people and war veterans in the eye? Yes, I do. But that's not really an option either. Go high. That's what I can do. That's what we all can do.

I can kick ass and take names regarding all the things I have in front of me, all the things that are my job. Taking loving care of myself, my man, my babies, my home, my family, my friends...that's what I can do. The outcome of an election can't take that away from me or from you. If anything, it can galvanize me, and you. To be great. Not again, but as we've always been, whether or not we've had the wherewithal to notice.

I have the wherewithal to notice. I'm great, not again but still, and so are you.

Love you.

- T